Course curriculum

  • 1

    Presentation from NFH Egg Quality 9:30-10:00

    • Fertility Symposium NFH presentation Nov 5 2021

    • NFH lecture on Egg quality

  • 2

    Dr. Jordan Robertson ND- Getting pregnant with Endometriosis: What the evidence is teaching us. 10:00-11:15

    • Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis: What the evidnece is teaching us

    • Slide deck for Dr Robertson's presentation

    • Access to the Confident clincian waitlist and Pubmed hacks download

    • Dr Jordan Roberston Lecture

  • 3

    Cytomatrix update by Dr. Colin O'Brien ND 11:15-11:30

    • Slide deck for Dr O'Brien ND from Cytomatrix

    • Cytomatrix Product update

  • 4

    Dr. Jesse Pierce ND - Mycotoxins & Fertility: Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options 11:30-12:45

    • Mycotoxins & Fertility: Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options

    • Slide deck for Dr. Pierce's lecture

    • Dr Jesse Pierce Lecture

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    Promedics Fertility Update By Dr. Katie Yash ND 12:45-1:15

    • Slide Deck Dr Yash's lecture

    • Promedics Fertility Focused Products

  • 6

    Dr. Marjorie Dixon MD -Advance testing and challangeing cases 1:30-2:45

    • Advanced testing and challenging cases

    • Slide Deck for Dr. Dixon's lecture

    • Dr Dixon's Lecture

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    Anova Update - with Seya Maharaj 2:45-3:00

    • Anova Sponsored Update

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    Dr. Jaclyn Chasse ND- The Reproductive Microbiome 3:00-4:15

    • The Reproductive Microbiome

    • Slide Deck fro Dr. Chasse's lecture

    • Dr Chasse's Lecture

  • 9

    Dr. Jessica Liu ND & Nora Pope - Restorative off label prescribing for unexplained infertility 4:15-5:30

    • Restorative off lable presecribing for unexplained infertility

    • Slide Deck for Dr Liu and Pope's lecture

    • Dr Liu and Nora Pope's lecture