The Fertility symposium was filmed live Feb 22, 2020. There were 6 speakers. 

Dr. Jen Fitzgerald, ND

 Through Thick and Thin- Creating an optimal endometrial environment

The endometrium is a highly dynamic tissue that undergoes physiologic changes in response to steroid hormones. Embryo implantation is an incredibly complex and multi-factoral process, dependent on a healthy embryo, a receptive endometrium, and immune protection.  This lecture will review the normal development of a receptive endometrium, conditions which effect the endometrium and treatment strategies for improving receptivity, thin lining and implantation failure.

Dr. Carrie Schram, MD 

The Natural Conception Program – Lower Intervention Approaches To Fertility

Very few patients begin fertility treatment with a plan or hope of needing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and for a subset of good prognosis fertility patients it really should not be required. Identification of patients who are appropriate for a trial of low intervention care is a patient-centred approach to fertility. Such an approach respects patient autonomy, minimizes risks and side effects of treatment and can minimize cost of treatment while simultaneously balancing prognosis and successful outcomes. A multidisciplinary team approach to fertility care, including allied health professionals, can having a positive impact on patient experience and optimize probability of success. For such an approach to be successful it is imperative that all team members understand the fertility experience and flow from a patient perspective, are aligned in their vision and goals of care and respect the knowledge and skill set of other team members.

Dr. Jordon Robertson, ND

Assessing for miscarriage risk: when to offer early assessment.

Dr. Jordan Robertson Naturopathic Doctor and Author of Carrying to Term: A practical Guide to reducing your miscarriage risk reviews the most recent evidence on assessment techniques for patients with previous miscarriage, or who are at a high risk of miscarriage. The current definitions of recurrent pregnancy loss do not explore a couple’s possible risk factors until they have suffered from three miscarriages. In this lecture, Dr. Robertson explores the conditions that warrant early assessment, and the lab tests that can predict pregnancy loss, or improve treatment protocols to reduce risk. Clinicians will leave this lecture feeling more confident in how to assess for miscarriage risk and will have a framework for how to begin to address pregnancy loss in their patient base.

Dr Abdul Munaf Sultan Ahamed, MS, MSc, PG, PhD

The Role of the IVF Lab in Treating Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), or the loss of two or more clinical pregnancies, is a condition that affects 2% of couples. While several clinical treatments are available to treat known causes of RPL, in approximately 50% of cases the cause is unknown. In these cases, the majority of the current clinical treatments are ineffective and may cause more harm than benefit. This lecture aims to discuss causes of RPL, current treatments, and the potential role of the IVF lab in treating recurrent pregnancy loss-- specifically supplementation of culture media with cytokines such as Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and preimplantation genetic testing. Finally, we will discuss how naturopathic therapies can be used to improve pregnancy outcomes in patients with RPL.

Dr. Tracy Malone, BA, ND

Integration in the IVF clinic. We are better together.

Take a deep dive inside the IVF clinic, and familiarize yourself with the assessment tools, and procedures available to fertility patients today. Now, more than ever there is a need for preventative medicine and its integration into our current models of fertility care. Review the clinical management of an IVF patient, and how to cohesively integrate with their medical plan. Times are changing, and so are some proposed laws to Canada’s reproduction acts. Keeping current is critical component of integrative care.

Dr. Robyn Murphy BSc, ND

The Genetic Influence on Infertility in Women

The rates of infertility continue to rise in Canada, leading the race to uncover the causes. Factors that include, nutrient deficiencies, HPA and HPO dysfunction, common diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis, and the cumulative effects of environmental exposures and lifestyle influence female fertility; however, not everyone carries the same susceptibility. Join Dr. Robyn Murphy in uncovering the impact of genetics on infertility. See how topics in nutrigenomics and lifestyle genomics influence individual predisposition and how this information may guide individual treatment and prevention in this ever-growing phenomenon.

For access to the 6 informative lectures approved for 6 category A credits via CONO including 0.5 jurisprudence please register now. 

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