Chronic infections such at Lyme disease, EBV, Strep (as seen in PANDA's) are impacting the health of countless patients across North America. Symptoms can vary significantly and present as other typical conditions, and as Naturopathic Doctors we are in the best position to help address and treat these concerns by addressing the root cause. 

Dr. Carissa Doherty ND, Dr. Sonya Doherty ND and Dr. Danielle O’Connor ND will spend 1 day teaching ND’s and students the basics of identifying potential patients with these underlying chronic conditions and teaching effective treatment for chronic infections.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Chronic Infections 101

    • Welcome

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 1

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 1

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 2

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 2

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 3

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 3

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 4

    • Chronic Infections 101 Part 4

    • Pathway Planner

About the instructor

Carissa Doherty ND, Sonya Doherty ND Danielle O'Conner ND

Dr. Sonya Doherty, Dr. Carissa Doherty and Dr. Danielle O'Conner have been treating patients with chronic infections in clinic for over 15 years. They have increasingly seen conditions such as generalized anxiety, depression, ADHD, Tourettes, and Chronic immune dysregulation improve by addressing underlying chronic infections. Combined the doctors have over 45 years of clinical experience. They are excited to share what they have learned with their colleagues to help increase to knowledge base within the profession. 

Join us Live March 30th 2019 at CCNM for this practice changing course. Be ready to treat chronic infections Monday morning. Signing up for the live course will also give you access to the recording after the course is finished. Early bird pricing for practitioners is $169 until March 9th. After March 9th $209. If you are interested in Methylation 101 or Autism 101 you can also add these course at a 25% discount (see below). 

Click sign up now if you are a PRACTITIONER to register. 

You may also be interested in Methylation 101 or Autism 101 Enter Code 25%DISCOUNT to access these courses on promotion.